
Kenyatta University campus students’ lifestyle category expounds the have and have nots of being a student in Kenya’s best university yet. Fashion/Mushene/Opinion/Travel/Art/Music

These KU Ladies Should Give Me A Break

A wise man will grace your eardrums with the adage ''absence makes the heart grow fonder'', which of course I agree. In the same...
Why Your Campus Relationship Is Doomed To Fail

Why Your Campus Relationship Is Doomed To Fail

After much concerted efforts to unveil the ramifications of campus dating, well, I must say that only people with short brain neurons as James...

Why Libraries are Still Extremely Important Despite the Fast Evolving Technology.

Society is not ready to abandon the library, and it probably will never. Libraries can adapt to social and technological changes, but they cannot...
what gas do you think your old sponsor inhales

Girl, what gas do you think your old sponsor inhales?

 Well, for some degree, they are- after all,they have had a fair share of the sponsors cash; reaping what their fathers' agemates pursued in...
Who is Cuter: K.U Political Memes

Who is Cuter? K.U Political Memes!

It's without doubt the funniest K.U political memes so far, trust me ~  very few students know how or even what Photoshop is. Kenyatta University...

Thou Behold

"Nywele za singa, Toto kaumbika ja zinga, Juu chini, mwili kapanga, Macho yangu tu, hulanga," From a cliff, I observed what God spent six days creating before resting...
Donald Trump's Refugee Ban, Explained

Donald Trump’s Refugee Ban, Explained

On Friday, President Donald Trump overhauled US refugee policy — laying the groundwork for a fundamental shift in how the US allows people to...
Cheryl Kitonga

Cheryl Kitonga

How swift we are to point our fingers on other people's downfalls. allow me to also voice my views on the Cheryl Kitonga story....
10 Questions You Should Ask To Yourself

10 Questions You Should Ask To Yourself: A Preparation To Self-improvement

Be all you can be, but it's not always in the Army. I often see myself as somewhat contented with my life the way...

A Lady’s Self Worth

By Razacme Love Subject: SELF WORTH (Very Deep!!!) In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question: 'What kind of man...


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