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Congratulations!!! I only see black :-0 Well hello there, I see you made it to this part of the world wide web. On the odd occasion you really have no clue where this is (cue for dramatic music) welcome to...
With no iota of favoritism, H_art the band appeal to me in ways that I cant even tell- But for a good reason, things like love are best left unsaid, they are best passed in smiles, giggles , kisses...
By The Pseudo-doctor Vanity, that’s all I thought of when I see someone enduring 6 inch heels and layers, coats in fact, of make up just to stand criticized or just to showcase a dress, a mannequin can do that. Then I...
K.U-Comrades Forum As is in every campus’ student’s mind, security in the campus has become a key issue. The Garissa attack caught everybody by surprise, both the government and campus student’s despite that it was suspected such would happen. On that note, Kenyatta University...
Douclas Shamala adressing a crowd | K.U-comrades Forum              The name doesn’t speak much till you meet this comrade face to face and the success behind Shamala Douglas just leaves one with awe and admiration....
Sit-down with this aspiring beauty leaves one with admiration of how much the female gender has transformed itself from the depths of insignificance in the community to actually doing things that are changing our communities, schools and at large the world. Women that...
Brian Mengich Mr. Kenyatta University / Mr. University Kenya Aspirant Interview As you would expect, a Kenyatta University representative is among the contastants of the now on going voting of Mr. University kenya and who better to represent us than our one...
By Razacme Love Subject: SELF WORTH (Very Deep!!!) In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question: 'What kind of man are you looking for?': She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye...
K.u-Comrades Forum DT Dobie is recruiting youth for a 2-yr Mechanical Engineering course. Must be willing to work for at least 3 yrs with the company after training. DT Dobie's apprenticeship program offers a wealth of knowledge and training to...
A scene from the Intellectual Scum film that was shot on a plane. PHOTO | NAIROBI NEWS By EVELYNE MUSAMBI In Summary Varsity students hoping to bag yet another international award with their new short film Intellectual Scum Kenyatta University Film students behind...



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