Ultimate Pre-Valentine Plan

Some of the girls at the home with the donations
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On the 13th of February 2016, members of RCKU together with Miss Kiambu 2015/2016, KeziahKibuna, and Miss Kenyatta University 2015-2016, Goretti Mirrera, made their way to Thika for the first community service of the year.  The visit to Otto Hoffman Girl Rescue Centre had been hyped for almost three weeks by members of the club and everybody was ready for the much anticipated day. From our fundraising we managed to raise a total of Kshs. 7250 with which we bought dry foods like rice, beans, sugar and flour. We also bought porridge flour and toiletries for the girls. Donations in the form of clothes were also brought by various people present.

The girls performing a song soon after our arrival
The girls performing a song soon after our arrival

We arrived at the home at around 11 o’clock where we were joyfully received by the matron and the girls. They welcomed us with song performances which left smiles on all of our faces. Afterwards, the members of staff at the home introduced themselves followed by each of the girls. We then swiftly introduced ourselves to the girls as some of them were preparing to leave for a church event. After the introductions, the matron told us the chores we were to perform which included carrying of logs of wood to the store, removing maize seeds from the cob and preparing lunch. Once we had divided ourselves into groups, we set out to our various work stations to commence our respective chores. As we did this, other members played games with the kids. Dancing games were the most loved as both members of our team and the girls showed off their skills.

The maize team taking a picture as they carry on with their duties
The maize team taking a picture as they carry on with their duties

When lunch was ready at around 2 o clock, we got to taste the great masterpiece that was our lunch. We were all served our finger licking meal of fried rice and green grams cooked with potatoes. We ate to our uttermost fill as this was evident by the number of people who had collapsed into siestas on the couches in the hall. Juice was served as others interacted with the kids. Afterwards, we all assembled at the hall for finalities and a word from the home founder and manager, Maureen. She told us about her life struggles searching for means of paying her school fees and how she went from one odd job to another in order to raise the funds. In the end, she was able to get funding from well-wishers and was able to complete her studies after finishing community college. She told us how all those struggles became the inspiration for the establishment of the girl rescue centre as she did not want any girl to go through suffering to get an education. With that, she let us officially present our donations to the home as we took group photos with the entire fraternity.

The girls together with the home manager, Maureen officially receiving the donations
Afterwards, we were taken on an official tour of the home where we were shown the dormitory area of the home. We also got to ask questions about the origin of names given to parts of the home and issues that affected the entire running of the home. The manager was kind enough to answer all our questions and with that, we wrapped up the day with votes of thanks from our community service director, Andrew, Keziah and Goretti. After a brief session of photography at the main gate of the premises, we said our goodbyes and left hoping to visit the home again very soon. The club would like to thank all who were present at the event and those who gave their donations and contributions. We hope to do this all over again next time.


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