2016 Center For Student Involvement At Kenyatta University.

One On One With Gichuhi Beauttah. Student Leader Profile Π Tell Your Story Π We Turn Every Beat Into A Hit.

2016 Center For Student Involvement at Kenyatta University - One On One With Gichuhi Beauttah.
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Amos Onyango

Year in School: 3rd

Hometown: Migori, Kenya

Major(s) /Concentrations(s): English, Literature

On-campus leadership roles/positions/organizations:

KU Icon of Integrity — Chairman.
Migori County Student Association — Organization sec — Student.
Business Career and Networking Club — Board Member (2014-2015)
Deputy Sec Education, Students Organization
KU Watchdogs – Editorial Department, Member

Why do you choose to be involved as a student leader?

Feeling a personal connection to Kenyatta University and finding a community here were the first reasons. I learned early in high school that I love understanding people and different leadership styles. I’ve come to realize that I wouldn’t be so comfortable leading Student Leader if it weren’t for the exemplary mentors and role models who’ve helped shape me along the way. So at the end of the day, I’d simply like to pay it forward: empower others to grow as leaders just I’ve been.

What have you learned about leadership through your work with others on campus?

I believe that being empathetic and vulnerable as leaders or team members — and just as people is very important. I think from these two traits, anything can be accomplished in leadership. These types of leaders can foster communities based on trust, support, and people. Also, among the communities you foster, provide a space where feedback, failure, and critical thinking can flourish. It’s a tough thing to do, but I think it may be key to excellent results in whatever metric you use for success. (My personal leadership book recommendation: The 5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell)

What is your most memorable experience at Kenyatta University?

So far, it’s been hosting the first-ever Lecture semester with the Department of Literature. It’s the first of a series of professional studying, but from this teaching, I can already envision the literature community on campus growing — it symbolizes all of the possibilities ahead of us!

What is your favorite Kenyatta University tradition?

Going to the BSSC and sitting in the Annex pizza area. I love it. There’s always a table with my literature circles and campus friends. And I know there’s always a space for me, too.

What advice would you give to a student thinking about getting involved?

Think about the communities you hope to join on campus and get a feel for how its student life already functions. In other words, your time is valuable so avoid wasting it by doing too many things at once. (I fall prey to this sometimes.) Figure out how the spaces you’re in will help you grow early on. This is a bit tricky, but I would recommend learning about graduating seniors’ campus experiences and asking what activities and company did and didn’t help them grow.

How does getting involved complement your studies?

It complements my studies and more specifically, my career trajectory. In my eyes, with the Literature Department and Campus friends I’m learning transferable skills that may not be covered inside the curriculum but are equally important to being a better professional.

What are your future plans? (How has your involvement on campus prepared you for life after graduation?)

To be honest, my future plans are ever changing. The way I see it is that in whatever I end up pursuing (and it will likely be a number of things), these things will remain constant: my drive to transform how people connect, my passion to empower youth leadership, my vision to strengthen positive mental health stigmas, or my commitments to other values inherent to who I am. Campus involvement has helped me realize that whether it be with politics, teaching or social entrepreneurship, I know that the work I do will make the world a better place.

Role Model(s):

The list is endless. My role models are those who have mentored and inspired me along the way. Some of my best campus friends, Oh Gichuhi …you are one of them, my family mentor Madam Stella a P1 Teacher not forgetting Mr. Johnson Mwakazi, Prof. PLO Lumumba and Dr. Jl. Mutahi wife to Prof. Mutahi Ngunyi Political Analyst.

Favorite Quote/Motto:

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.” — Mother Teresa. You know a mortal man must look to his ending; for none can be called successful until the day he dies and carries his success to the grave in peace.


Motivational talks, swimming, Bible studying, reading novels, finding great spoken word videos, adventuring to new places.

Being a busy man, are you off the hook /dating?

This is personal. Leave a room for another day.

Last Word for your friends and fans?

Leadership is food for the soul and mind. Enjoy it and you will live longer.


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