KU Students Who You Definitely Know That Graduated in August 2017

KU Students Who You Definitely Know That Graduated in August 2017
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Here are KU Students who you definitely know that graduated in August 2017; from student leaders to app developers to utanunua leo – self proclaimed big bom/chocolate entrepreneurs.

Even with the odd semester dates due due to the lecturers strike(s), these popular students from Kenyatta University main campus have successfully completed their 8.4.4/8.4.5 curriculum.

 Brian Kibet:

Well known as quite the enthusiast in KUSA politics for the last 2 years to most, Brian Kibet was among those awarded a bachelor’s degree. He held a seat at KUSA as the organization’s Finance Secretary 2015/2016.

Washington Shamela 

Perhaps the most popular on this list, Washington Shamela was introduced to me a while back as the KUSA Organizing secretary (the hair says it all I presume). Stands for himself and others when such is called for – born leader I’d say!

Read Also: Washington Shamela: My Life’s Journey So Far.

Glorious John:

Former Gender Secretary Kenyatta University Students’ Association (KUSA) 2014/2015. Smart, beautiful and funny, Glorious represented the school and organization during her tenure. Her sense of fashion is on fleek too!

Duke Bob 

Freethinker. Nerd. Android Enthusiast. Internet Evangelist. Samsung device user. – That’s how he describes himself 😀 Duke Bob was an engineering student – built the Kenyatta University App! He’s one guy you should follow on Facebook, has a joke up his sleeve for most if not all current affairs.

Amos Onyango 

Quite the regular at the KUSA circles, Amos studied English Literature at Kenyatta University. Here’s an interview we had a while back Unity – This is What Has Brought Me This Far. An Exclusive with Amos Onyango


Ken Mutua

KUSA Secretary General Ken Mutua. I couldn’t find any picture of his graduation day. Just this one below with the blue suit.

Who did I not mention on the list of KU students who you definitely know that graduated in August 2017?! Leave their name in the comments below and we’ll feature them too!


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