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Okay. Much is said and done hitherto but not this I am about to say, after keenly dissecting the final electoral information.

We are not only celebrating winners, we are also paying due respect to those who lost and allowed winners to win.
No one is a loser, though.

All these makes me remember the common verse at funerals
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race.I have kept the faith…..bla….bla….”

Comrades could not do better than that. Comrades remain loyal to leaders they themselves elected and at much comfort now that the whole council is headed by technocrat Were Were himself. Who won circa ten hours ago.

Whoever thwarted the new elects leadership has no option than to adhere. According to Kenyatta University’s credo, ethnicity has no place in the heart of comrades and “comradess”.
If someone didn’t make it to the top seat, I have a soothing soft song pertaining emotional recovery and collection of self-inner peace. It goes…..” Pole Musa by Daudi Kabaka….Poleeeee Musa…”

Indeed it was a smooth running without any interlopers in the whole process of choosing by voting idiosyncratic leaders and no one is entitled to baulk at the results. And therefore thou shall not rock the boat.

The informal administration is set to serve comrades for the benefits of comrades.


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