Friday saw Red Bull surprise ongoing “Equity Wings to Fly” students from across Kenya with free Red Bulls, magazines and advise to the students in attendance. The students had gathered at the Kenyatta University Amphitheater for a week’s seminar.
Wings to fly launched in 2011 by the Equity Group Foundation with the aim of granting over 10,000 comprehensive secondary school scholarships and leadership training to academically gifted yet economically and socially marginalized young Kenyans held its 7th Annual Education and Leadership Congress at Kenyatta University for the last 3 days.
In this year’s congress meeting at the K.U Students’ Business Centre, Reb Bull represented by @ThatGuyChaxy (Student brand manager), graced the event with goodies which came as a pleasant surprise to the students.
Here are some of the photos from the event (courtesy of Camara Visuals):