It’s Amazing How Clear Each Of My Memories Is For Each Step Taken Towards KUSA Awards 2016.

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According to most studies, student’s number one fear is presentations at university, number 2 is death… now this means to the average person if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than giving the eulogy.


”If there was something more fun than writing, I’d have done it. Salute to you all fun of writings. You give me great pleasure to spend a couple hours of my university life perfecting an article that might take you 5 minutes to read.”

Where do you begin with conquering this fear? It all start with a dreaded moment when your lecturer  announces that your next assignment will be a presentation. And that you’ll be put in a group at random. Which everyone knows is code for “you won’t be working with your friends so don’t even look at them. You immediately started thinking of ways to get out of it. Standing up in front of everyone is enough to make you regret choosing to do a degree. Regardless of how much moral support you have from your friends in the “audience. It takes all your self-control to not interrupt them and take credit for what was 90% your work. You open your mouth to speak when it’s your turn but your brain is suddenly blank. And you instantly regret catching the eye of anyone else in the room. Mostly because you’re suddenly more aware of your own voice than ever before. You try to avoid looking at your notes as much as possible. But then start to panic that you’re rambling. Or that you’re going faster than the slides behind you. By the time it’s over, you don’t even know what you said.  You return to your seat secretly feeling like martyr. And never, ever want to have to do it again.


“Standing up in front of everyone is enough to make you regret choosing to do a degree. When you are only a fresher fair to the free shit. It takes all your self control to not interrupt every and take credit for what is 90% your work.”

It’s amazing how clear each of my memories is for each step taken towards KUSA Awards 2016. I can remember delivering my first presentation at KUSA Awards 2016. The Committee required me to appeal for a crucial impromptu vetting on Friday 18th March 2016 at KUSA Boardroom as from 8am – 11am. I can close my eyes and take myself back there, waiting Brian Mengich and Paul Mwangi to stop waffling on and hurry up and move to my part of the meeting, how with each second they spoke another bead of sweat rolled down my forehead. How there was a video camera pointing at me and I wasn’t sure whether it was on. How I didn’t even know if this audience cared what some nerd had to say. My time finally came, I made a joke about the video camera, the audience laughed and I was fine and they did care. Afterwards many people commented on how well I came across, who knew that Gichuhi was so funny?


  1. that piece,,, iko nice I can close my eyes and take myself back there, waiting Brian Mengich and Paul Mwangi to stop waffling on and hurry up and move to my part of the meeting, how with each second they spoke another bead of sweat rolled down my forehead.


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