*|Just Love Me|*

I know I'm hurt, and you are too I know things are tough with me and you I know I'm torn apart inside I know I can...
Tales From Kenyatta University The mess

Tales From Kenyatta University: The ‘Mess’ 2

I promised to explain to you where our coins disappears to once you're served at the 'mess'. At the counter, the cashier has to acquire...

Campus Love: Five Reasons Why He’s Just Using You For S3x

FIVE Unbelievable Reasons He’s Just Using You For S3x They say a lady chooses the man who chooses her but how exactly will you know...

The Inevitable Way to Success (My true story)

The inevitable way to success (My true story) It was late in the evening after taking super and I was having a chat with mum....
How To Network Properly Secret Revealed!

How To Network Properly Secret Revealed!

You have probably been advised more than once that your network determines your net-worth. Therefore you are always expected to know as many people...

Love for Nature

I love travelling! It comes with a number of fun-filling moments and many things to learn from. It relieves me of unnecessary worries-you know...
Babu Owino Donates KSHS 50,000 Towards Steve Wasonga Fundraising

Babu Owino Donates KSHS 50,000 Towards Steve Wasonga Fundraising (Video)

Babu Owino donated Kshs 50,000 towards Steve Wasonga fundraising ceremony that took place yesterday. The SONU chair is well known for his generosity when...



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