Tales From Kenyatta University: An SDA Gentleman.

Kenyatta University SDA
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A holy moment that the Lord has put forth, praise be to Him. But before my pen does it on paper. My task;

I want to pen also.

You can inbox me to talk on that.
‘Amazing Grace how sweet that sounds…’
Holy Hyms will be heard from this gentleman as he walks. Pace by pace ensuring they observe the most spiritual posture around. Verses from the Holy Bible will accompany the Hyms.

‘To God be the Glory; for His Love, endures forever. ‘

Meet him on a normal day, just like most comrades he’ll be clad in jeans, t-shirt and a pair of open shoes. He’ll not hesitate to comment on obvious topics from his peers.
‘Mi stori na madem siingilii sana, I try to be silent on such topics.’
He’ll resonate.

More often than not he’ll keep quiet to some topics but dodge in once religion is mentioned.
‘Sunday ain’t a Sabbath day, from the book of… ‘
He’ll grasp help from the Bible but in vain.

In his timetable, he’ll have preserved time for prayer, Bible study and also time to attend to the church meetings. A certain space in the bag is set aside preferably for the Bible and hymnal.

‘Silent Noise, how often do you pray?’ my case study questions me.

I laugh to the now funny tune and try to respond,
‘James, why do you think I don’t pray, or its because I ain’t staunch as you.’

Judging others is near the heart of this gentleman, that what he does not do is rebuked and provoked in this manner,
‘Ellen G. White, in her writing, S. O. P. says,…’

To conclude, just visit KUSDA, and be inspired.

The greatest want of the world is the want of men – men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.

Bwana Asifiwe

We pen as we receive it…


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