Campus Love: How To Prepare For A Blind Date
Blind dates are exciting but can also be nerve-racking. The typical blind date is a date where you don’t know the person you’re meeting and you have never seen the person before. It’s an adventurous experience that may just work in your favor. You could end the date with a new lover or a good friend. You may be struggling with deciding what to wear, what to talk about and how to increase the chances that you meet again. Many experts advise to just relax and have fun during your preliminary stages. Here are some steps to prepare you for a blind date.
STEP 1: Get as much information as you can before meeting your date. An idea would be what your date looks, this builds the excitement in meeting the person and also think of fun topics to discuss about that will interest your date. If a mutual friend arranged the blind date, ensure you get a pre-information about your supposed date. Don’t go out there totally blank of the basics. Have an idea of your date’s character, likes or dislikes to help prepare your mood and expectation.
STEP 2: Its the first time you are meeting someone, you should choose an outfit that defines you. Don’t wear jeans if you’re going for an elegant dinner and do not dress formal if you’re meeting up for some bowling. If you aren’t sure what your blind date entails, dress in a classic way that allows you engage in a variety of activities. You can ask your date nicely the kind of outing you two are going for. Whatever you wear, concentrate on being comfortable so you can spend the date getting to know the other person rather than thinking of how uncomfortable you feel in your outfits.
STEP 3: Stay positive and have a great time. Be yourself, if you’re not a comic; don’t try to be too funny. Do not try too hard to impress your date, be yourself. Don’t sound too desperate or too aloof during your preliminary communications. Smile and always remember that first impressions are important; you only get a chance to make it good.
STEP 4: Questions are inevitable in your blind dates. So ask questions, but nothing too personal. Try to ask open-minded questions. Get to know your date, smile or laugh when necessary.
STEP 5: Plan an escape route. This plan has to be established before going for the date. when you sense danger or unnecessary boredom then you can encourage a friend to call you and you can tell your date it’s an emergency you have to attend to.

STEP 6: If the person you meet is rude, do not reciprocate. You might want to avoid anything that would bring a bad report back to your name. If you enjoyed your date and you are certain you have found a chance with this person, then make a decision to see them again. Don’t mention anything about meeting again unless you really mean it. If there is really no attraction, then politely decline.
By Kafisi